Saturday, May 22, 2010


So hey. I like films. I love seeing how the develop from the writing to the casting to filming to the big screen. Yes that was a run on. So I want to work in the film industry. Everyone likes to call themself a film critic but no one is. A film critic should as unbiased as possible and I've yet to see one to do that.

This is solely for fun and also in hope that someone will I'm dead serious about this and give me job or an internship.

Who I am? a UCLA student looking to do something that interest her because UCLA doesn't give a fuck. I won't rant about school though.

I have a facebook, a tumblr, and twitter that i've yet to really use because, well, i don't see the point in it. I mean it's basically legalized stalking and we are not birds. Someone please explain the necessity of twitter?

So this blog will mostly be films. Any film you want me to watch and give feedback on I will do. I'll also start off with a few of my own as well as keeping up with releases.

Just know that this blog will the slowly coming along because well... I do go to school and it likes to suck that life outta me. And writing a good and comprehensive review takes time, research and thought.

P.S. I am a huge Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart fan, not because of Twilight because of them and their awesomeness. I could go in full detail if you like of why but I'm sure I would annoy you haters. Fresh faces that are normal for once? I dig. Plus I've been a fan of Kristen for a long time (circa 2004). ETC ETC ETC.

I'm also going to add movies here that i think are a little less know and people should see.
There may not always be a review. But there will always be a new movie to watch.

I think people tend to forget about the art that filmaking is and focus on the celebrities, the entertainment, and the money. There's more to it and although I will be focusing on those things. The art of it all is my heart. Being able to tell a story, bring a book/character to life, and ultimately share something with millions.

If you love films as much as I do... follow me.
Suggestions? drop a comment.

Peace and Love,

a real internet junkie... and an avid googler. :D

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